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Showcasing diverse performers & composers

A recording is a unique promotional tool for artists — both performers and composers. Composer Stacy Garrop has reflected: “Without Cedille’s recordings of my music, my career would not be where it is today. [They have] brought my music to national and international attention.”

In both performance and recording, the music of women, composers of color, and living composers is significantly underrepresented. According to a Donne Foundation study of composers included in the top 100 orchestras’ 2020 – 2021 season, only 5% of the pieces performed were by women, only 1.11% by Black or Asian women, and only 2.43% by Black or Asian men. According to studies by the Baltimore Symphony, just 12% of works programmed by orchestras between 2014 and 2016 were by living composers.

By encouraging artists to propose projects about which they are most passionate, Cedille creates the space for them to bring forth unique repertoire and collaborations. The result is a catalog that strives to be as diverse as Chicago and addresses critical disparities in classical music.

Over the last 15 years, 38% of Cedille albums have featured works by women composers, and 54% have featured living composers. Over the past five years, 34% of Cedille albums have featured pieces by Black composers. We’re proud that our recordings have allowed our patrons to discover favorite new artists of all stripes.

Chicago-native clarinetist Anthony McGill, a Cedille artist and Board member and the New York Philharmonic’s first African-American principal player says, “[When you make a recording] the access that listeners all around the world get to your music and your musicianship outside of the city that you live in is priceless.”

We believe that a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment is critical to Cedille’s mission and necessary to ensure continued artistic vibrancy.



For her 24th recording for Cedille Records, violinist Rachel Barton Pine joins forces with period instrument specialists David SchraderJohn Mark Rozendaal, and Brandon Acker to record Arcangelo Corelli’s seminal set of 12 Violin Sonatas, Op. 5.

Monthly Playlist

In celebration of Silenced — Unsung Voices of the 20th Century, tenor Ian Koziara’s debut recital album, with pianist Bradley Moore, a playlist of Cedille artists’ first mixed-composer (at least 3) recital (not concerto) albums.

Album of the Week

Enjoy 25% off Cedille’s Weekly Featured Release.

Applications Now Open!

Cedille is looking for Chicago’s next classical recording artist! Apply today for the Emerging Artist Competition and win the opportunity to release an album on Cedille Records.