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Welcome to our new website!


We hope our new website provides you with an improved experience so that our artists’ work is more accessible to you and classical music listeners everywhere. After all, you the listener are a vital component of our unique not-for-profit mission: to record Chicago’s finest classical musicians and promote them to a world-wide listening audience.

Please explore the site, see what it has to offer, and let us know what can be improved. In addition to the updated look and feel, it has new features that we hope you will enjoy:

  • Purchase individual tracks so you can add to your collection by work, movement, or however you like.
  • Sample every track from our newer recordings!
  • Improved and more reliable FLAC downloads.
  • Submit a review of your latest Cedille discovery. Your thoughts and feedback are important to us and our artists — we’re very excited to learn what you think! Be the first to review a 2015 release and we’ll give you $10 off your next order.
  • A new media player: select from two channels on our site-wide player:

1) Selected tracks from our latest releases
2) A weekly featured Cedille Chicago Presents podcast

We’ll use this blog to keep you informed about Cedille and our work with Chicago’s finest artists. Expect posts on new recordings, events, and ways you can get more involved. You’ll hear from our artists, Board members and donors, and members of Cedille’s staff.

If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, leave us a comment below or email us at

Best regards and happy listening,

James Ginsburg



Now Available

For her 24th recording for Cedille Records, violinist Rachel Barton Pine joins forces with period instrument specialists David SchraderJohn Mark Rozendaal, and Brandon Acker to record Arcangelo Corelli’s seminal set of 12 Violin Sonatas, Op. 5.

Monthly Playlist

In celebration of the Sept. 13 release of Rachel Barton Pine‘s Corelli Violin Sonatas Op. 5: a playlist spanning all of her Baroque recordings, both as a soloist and as a member of Trio Settecento, with 2 tracks from each album.

Album of the Week

Enjoy 25% off Cedille’s Weekly Featured Release.

Applications Now Open!

Cedille is looking for Chicago’s next classical recording artist! Apply today for the Emerging Artist Competition and win the opportunity to release an album on Cedille Records.